New to the Area? Prepare for Hurricane Season with These Top Tips

As we make our way further into 2021 and trundle ever close to the summer months, there are sure to be a range of questions forming in the minds of those reading this and beyond. What does the summer hold for us all, and how will things look in a few months? What should we be doing to prepare ourselves for a summer that millions of us across the country have been longing to enjoy?

While it is natural to want to know what you can do to best prepare yourself for the summer months, the list of what you should do will naturally vary depending on where in the country you live. For this piece, we will be considering the South Carolina areas, which are prone to the annual hurricane season each year.

If you have been living in the area for some time, then you most likely have an idea of what you should do each year to protect yourself, your livelihood, and your loved ones when the hurricane season comes about.

However, if you are new to the state,  you have found yourself in the right place. Get yourself comfortable and read on to find out a little more about what you should be doing to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season.

Having a Detailed Plan of Action Ready

It goes without saying, but when faced with a stressful situation like those posed to us Southern folk during hurricane season, you will want to be as prepared as you can be for what is thrown in your direction. Having a detailed plan of what you would do in certain eventualities is ideal and would ensure both you and your loved ones continued safety.

By making a note of what you would do in the event of the best- and worst-case scenarios and putting measures in place before the hurricane season begins, you can rest assured that you are doing what you can to stay safe.

Concerning the worst-case scenario, you would want to have an evacuation plan to hand, detailing the safe place that you would be able to get to and the essential items you would need to take with you; think medication and other necessary items. We will talk a bit more about it further in the piece.

One thing that is also worth noting is that plans can naturally change as time goes on. Having contingency plans in place alongside your main one will ensure that you are not caught short when it most matters.

Mainly if you are a pet parent reading this, you would naturally need to incorporate them into your evacuation plans where suited. The last thing you would want is to leave them behind, so having plans in place will benefit the long term.

Once you have ascertained what you need to do for those potential situations, you should consider what you would need to do to protect your home, which leads us to the following section.

Protecting Your Home

For those who are used to hurricane season and what needs to be done to protect their homes, this would be something that comes naturally, year-in, year-out. However, this is the most crucial part of preparing yourself and your loved ones for hurricane season for those new to the South. Except for keeping yourself safe, of course.

You can best make sure your home can withstand the strong winds that often come with hurricane season by installing Bahama shutters and other related items on your home. Provided and installed by businesses like ourselves, you can evacuate your home knowing that the windows and other entry points will be as protected as possible.

While we are confident that most, if not all, homes in the area would have some sort of storm protection on them, we felt that it was worth mentioning all the same. Adequate storm protection measures on a home can significantly reduce the damage that would happen, saving you time, effort, and money on getting repairs completed following the incident.

Once you have checked whether your home has protection and installed necessary items where applicable, you can focus on other aspects of preparing for hurricane season. Read on to the following point for more!

Evacuation Kits and Important Documents

One crucial part of being prepared for hurricane season is making sure that you have evacuation kits packed away and stored in a safe place, but one that could also be accessed quickly in the event of a quick evacuation notice.

What you would put in the evacuation kit would generally depend on your personal circumstances. As mentioned previously in this piece, if you are someone who is taking some form of life-long medication, you would want it to be at the top of your priority list. Ensuring that you have an adequate supply of your medication is crucial when faced with a displacement situation like this.

What’s more, you would need to include other necessary items required when spending time away from your home, whether that be hours, days, or weeks. Torches, extra batteries for said torches, phone chargers, blankets, clothes, and non-perishable items are an ideal place to start and can be easily stored way in advance of needing to get the kit out.

Furthermore, you should ensure that any critical documents needed during the evacuation process are kept safe. Health insurance documents and other related items should be kept secure at all times beyond that of hurricane season but may be required while evacuating as a precautionary measure.

Putting them somewhere safe near your evacuation kit would provide you with a quick and efficient way of gathering everything you need quickly.

We hope that you have found this piece interesting and insightful and feel that you have a better understanding as a new citizen of the South of what you need to do to prepare for hurricane season.

Protecting your home with storm protection equipment from the likes of ourselves and other businesses will ensure that you get through the hurricane-ridden months as safely as possible. Not to mention, sorting this out sooner rather than later will leave you with some peace of mind, which is what we all want, after all!



Contact Muhler today to learn more about how we can make your home better with new Windows, Doors, Shutters, Storm Protection & Sunrooms.


Contact Muhler today to learn more about how we can make your home better with new Windows, Doors, Shutters, Storm Protection & Sunrooms.

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